Selfcontrol for window
Selfcontrol for window

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So act toward children, so toward a wife, so toward office, so toward wealth." Or it has not come to you yet do not project your desire to meet it, but wait until it comes in front of you. As something is being passed around it comes to you stretch out your hand, take a portion of it politely. "Remember that you ought to behave in life as you would at a banquet. "Desire and happiness cannot live together." They are directly subject to our influence." Within our control are our own opinions, aspirations, desires and the things that repel us. "Learn to distinguish what you can and can't control.


"He is free who lives as he wishes to live who is neither subject to compulsion nor to hindrance, nor to force whose movements to action are not impeded, whose desires attain their purpose, and who does not fall into that which he would avoid." "The flourishing life cannot be achieved until we moderate our desires and see how superficial and fleeting they are." Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen." If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. "No greater thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. Then, in the conflict itself you are likely enough to dislocate your wrist or twist your ankle, to swallow a great deal of dust, to be severely thrashed, and after all of these things, to be defeated." You will have to put yourself under discipline to eat by rule, to avoid cakes and sweetmeats to take exercise at the appointed hour whether you like it or not, in cold and heat to abstain from cold drinks and wine at your will.

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But first mark the conditions and the consequences. "So you wish to conquer in the Olympic Games, my friend? And I, too. "Practice yourself, for heaven's sake, in little things, and thence proceed to greater." "No man is free who is not master of himself."

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"Freedom is not procured by a full enjoyment of what is desired, but by controlling the desire."


We can also learn how to accept all external events dispassionately and calmly. Through rigorous self-discipline, Epictetus taught, we can examine and control these things that fall under our control. One of his primary teachings was that all external events are beyond our control, but we are responsible for our actions, mindset, and thoughts. The great Epictetus showed remarkable consistency in his writings about Stoic philosophy and how to apply it to life. – Marcus Aurelius Epictetus Stoic Quotes About Self Control Habitual recurrence to the harmony will increase your mastery of it." "When force of circumstance upsets your equanimity lose no time in recovering your self-control, and do not remain out of tune longer than you can help. "Does what's happened keep you from acting with justice, generosity, self-control, sanity, prudence, honesty, humility, straightforward ness, and all other qualities that allow a person's nature to fulfill itself? So remember this principle when something threatens to cause you pain: the thing itself was no misfortune at all to endure it and prevail is great good fortune." "How to act: never under compulsion, out of selfishness, without forethought, with misgivings." Realize this, and you will find strength." "You have power over your mind - not outside events. 'We should discipline ourselves in small things, and from these progress to things of greater value.'' Some of Aurelius' most famous quotes from this text have to do with self-control- primarily the ability for us to control our own thoughts and therefore have a huge impact on the lived experience of our day-to-day lives. This work wasn't written to be published, but instead was the personal journal of this great man. We have Marcus Aurelius to thank for a significant portion of our modern understanding of ancient Stoicism through his Meditations. Other Stoic Quotes About Self Control Marcus Aurelius Quotes About Self Control

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